Tel.:+43 676 7616&zig;930
Dr. Sigrun Roßmanith
A- 1090 Wien-Alsergrund, Fuchsthallergasse 14
DDr. Karl-Georg Heinrich
A- 1010 Wien, Landhausgasse 2
DDr. Irmtraud Maurer
A- 1140 Wien, Hauptstrasse 86-88/5
Univ. Prof. Dr. Felix Stockenhuber
A- 1010 Wien, Naglergasse 11/Haarhof Doris Turnock-Schauerhuber
A- 1080 Wien, Josefstädterstrasse 74
Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Köstler
A- 1140 Wien, Sofienalpenstrasse 17
Dr. Johann Hörbinger
A- 1010 Wien, Fleischmarkt 17
Dr. Karin Moser-Schwab
A- 2544 Leobersdorf, ARED Park - Aumühlweg 3
Dr. Cecilia Deri Fachärztin für Anästhesieologie u. Intensivmedizin
A- 2500 Baden, Wassergasse 22-26
Dr. Cordula Gregor-Arnhof
A- 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Rudolf-Hochmayer Gasse 5
Mag. Robert Schulz Psychotherapeut
A- 2230 Gänserndorf, Dammgasse 15/2/4
Dr. Vikydal - Dr. Reichhart - Ärzte für Allgemeinmedizin OG
A- 2435 Ebergassing, Ahorngasse 1
Dr. Andreas Barnath
A- 3124 Oberwölbling, Unterer Markt 21
Univ. Doz. Med. Rat Dr. Johann Lahodny
A- 3100 St.Pölten, Klostergasse 1a
Dr. med. dent. Heidrun Widmayer
A- 2070 Retz, Kremserstraße 23
DDr. Michael Malek
A- 4020 Linz, Bockgasse
Dr. Helmut Ocenasek Sportmed-Cardiomed
A- 4020 Linz, Untere Donaulände 21-25
Dr. Demza Hahn
A- 4820 Bad Ischl, Dr. Mayer Straße 7
Psychologische Praxis Dr. Juliane Sampl
A- 6020 Innsbruck, Oberkoflerweg 2
Dr. Ujvary Attila
A- 7540 Güssing, Hauptstrasse 2
Gesundheitszentrum Vital Südburgenland
A- 7423 Pinkafeld, Turbagasse 11
Dr. Med. Bernhard Newart Arzt für Allgemein- u. Vorsorgemedizin
A- 8443 Gleinstätten, Pistorf 158
Dr. Med. Walter Surböck
A- 8630 Mariazell, Hauptplatz 10
Prim. Dr. Helmut Katschnig
A- 8750 Judenburg, Burggasse 108
Bioresonanz u. Holopathie Praxis Anna Stojanovic V. e. U.
A- 1070 Wien, Bandgasse 17/1
Stefan Macek Fitnesstrainer u. Ernährungsberater
A- 1010 Wien, Bauernmarkt 18/10
HBO-Oxy 2 Life Hyperbare Sauerstoffbehandlung Kenzy GmbH
A- 2372 Mödling, Perlhofgasse 5
Brigitte Oberaigner Beyoutiful
A- 4300 St Valentin, Straußstrasse 9
Gesundheitsgesellschaft Humanus Sanus z.H. Herrn Mag. Karl Hofbauer
A- 8670 Krieglach, Alplstrasse 37
A- 8010 Graz, Krenngasse 12
Susanne Lukas Praxis für Integrative Medizin
D- 86157 Augsburg, Max-Josef- Metzger-Strasse 15
Dr. Martin Gailhofer Allgemeinpraxis
D- 85137 Walting-Pfünz, Winkelmannstr. 10
Dr. Armin Konnert Fachzahnarzt für Oralchirugie
D- 83317 Teisendorf, Hauptmanngasse 1
Dr. Magdalene Roth-Brons Schmerz- u. Palliativzentrum
D- 26789 Leer, Wieringastrasse 3
Dr. Hans Schönberger
D- 83735 Bayrischzell, Schulstrasse 12
Steins Energetik UG
D- 33106 Paderborn, Gesselner Hude 55
De-Zent die Naturheilpraxis Manuela Maria Höliner-Kappes
D- 78315 Radolfzell, Kasernenstrasse 24
Hotel Friesengeist
D- 26639 Wiesmoor, Am Rathaus 1
Dr. med. Ulrike Thiede
D- 88239 Wangen, Bahnhof Ratzenried 3
Zentrum für Gefässchirugie
D- 40215 Düsseldorf, Hüttenstrasse 30
Alpstein Clinic AG Josef Vizkelety, MSc Arzt für MKG Chirurgie, Zahnmedizinischer Direktor
CH- 9056 Gais / AR, Dorfplatz 5
By using the Blue O2 (hyperbaric oxygen therapy )the client is exposed to encreased ambient pressure while breathing oxygenated air. This boosts the oxygen uptake of the blood up to 30%, supporting the healing of specific diseases and immediateley transmitting energy to the body.
BlueO2 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is considered a completely new type of therapy offered for performance enhancement. The treatment takes place in the purpose-built mobile blueO2 pressure chambers. The supplied compressor produces precisely the necessary overpressure while the oxygen concentrator enriches the atmosphere inside the chamber with additional oxygen. The safe and yet simple handling allows Blue O2 to be operationally reliable in minutes. (similar to IR cabins). An information form educates the customer about the mode of action as well as any possible rare side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. blueO2 is safe and reliable in operation. blueO2 needs little more than 5m² of space, low maintanance and service costs.
Under encreased air pressure, gases, like oxygen, can be disolved in higher quantites in liquid , like blood, than under normal conditions. With the BlueO2 therapy, the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the blood can be increased. Based on this the total oxygen content in the blood can be increased by up to 30%. This results in the positive effects.
1 year Warranty for all parts if handled appropiately
In case of a manufacturing defect, we provide a replacement device for the duration of the repair
Owner and developer
internist, sports physician, medical administrator
Sales director und technical manager